Divisions and departments

Geological Division

Director: Mgr. Radovan KYŠKA-PIPÍK, PhD.
Deputy director: Mgr. Dušan STAREK, PhD.

Geological Division  performs and develops basic, innovative and fundamental research in mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, geochronology, tectonics, paleoclimatology, paleogeography, paleontology, sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, evolutionary biology, environmental geochemistry and raw materials. Scientific activities are focused on complex and integrated research of geological structure, composition and geodynamic evolution of Earth, using modern scientific field, laboratory, and computer-intensive methods and infrastructure. The research activities are not constrained to the Slovak territory.

Departments of the Geological Division:

Geophysical Division

Director: RNDr. Pavol NEJEDLÍK, CSc.
Deputy director: Mgr. Ján VOZÁR, PhD.

Geophysical Division is focused on evaluation of geophysical fields and on the assessment of the Earth structure and composition, with a special emphasis on the territory of the Western Carpathians, on the development of methods and approaches for geophysical inferences, and on the research of energy budget radiation in atmosphere and on atmospheric polutions. This division permanently records seismic activities, monitors temporal and spatial changes of the geomagnetic field, and documents slow deformation of the Earth crust as well as non-standard meteorological research. Data from the observatories are permanently evaluated and offer an experimental baseline for geophysical research and expertise in Slovakia. At the same time, the data provided to the international seismic centers and are incorporated into global seismic datasets.

Departments of the Geophysical Division: